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How to Prepare your Soil for the Growing Season

photograph of farmland with a sunset in the background

As the winter snows melt away and the first green shoots of spring begin to appear, it's a clear signal for gardeners everywhere to start thinking about the new growing season. Preparing your soil is perhaps the most critical step in ensuring a fruitful harvest, whether you're planning a backyard vegetable garden or looking to beautify your landscape with flowers. Healthy, nutrient-rich soil is the foundation of a thriving garden, promoting vigorous plant growth and higher yields.

In this guide, we'll provide you with essential tips to help you prepare your soil for the growing season, covering everything from testing your soil's pH levels to incorporating organic matter.If you're a farmer managing agricultural land, these actionable tips will help you set the stage for a successful and bountiful season.

Interested in learning more about your land and soil? Get a free property report on LandGate's map to discover more about your land and its value for growing crops:

How to Prepare Your Soil for the Growing Season

If your crops don’t thrive, the answer is often in the soil. Healthy garden soil makes healthy crops that are stronger and less vulnerable to pests. Preparing the soil on your agricultural land for planting crops is the first step to preparing your soil for the growing season.

1) Incorporate Cover Crops

Cover crops are planted to cover the soil rather than for the purpose of being harvested. They slow erosion, improve soil health, enhance water distribution, help control pests, and more! After the cover crop has dried out on the soil surface for a few days, the next step is to incorporate it into the bed. There are various implements that can be used for plowing the cover crop, but the objective remains the same.

It is important to fully integrate the mowed cover and root masses into the soil. This allows the soil to properly break down the materials and prevents vigorous cover crops from regrowing. The incorporated cover should be given 3 to 6 weeks to decompose before preparing the beds for sowing and transplanting.

2) Use Silage Tarps

Silage tarps, also known as bunker covers, are large plastic sheets originally used to cover silage during fermentation and storage. More and more farmers are embracing silage tarps as a means to reduce tillage and prepare planting beds without the need for heavy equipment. These UV-treated polyethylene tarps can create a stale seed bed in as little as 3 weeks. By suffocating and killing weeds and cover crops, and heating the soil, the tarps promote the germination of weed seeds which rapidly perish due to anaerobic conditions. Beneath the tarp, worms and decomposers thrive, incorporating nutrients from weeds and cover crops into the soil. The result is a ready-to-plant, stale seed bed, making this system particularly beneficial for permanent bed systems.

Photograph of silage tarp over land
Photograph of silage tarp over land

3) Build Beds

Once your cover crops have decomposed or turned into mulch, and your soil is ready for sowing seeds or transplanting, there are countless methods and tools available to create an ideal environment for your crops. In addition to selecting tools that suit your personal work style, it is crucial to design the beds in a way that aligns with your farm plan. The dimensions of the beds, including width and length, should be determined by considering the tools, the landscape, and the crop plan. By ensuring manageable bed sizes, you lay the foundation for future success. Consistency in bed length and size facilitates easier planning and often leads to more thoughtful and effective crop rotations.

4) Soil Testing

Before you start any type of preparation, it’s important to know what soil types you’re working with. Different plants have specific nutrient requirements and pH levels that they thrive in, so conducting a soil test can give you valuable information about how to best prepare your land for the upcoming season. Different organisms exhibit varying levels of activity throughout the year, resulting in a unique portrayal of the soil from season to season. Conducting a soil test in the fall and the spring helps gauge the farm's vitality and offers a snapshot of the current condition for crops, allowing for nutrient enhancements or modifications as summer approaches.

5) Soil Drying

After conducting a soil test, it’s time to start prepping your land for planting crops. One of the first things you need to do is ensure that your soil isn’t waterlogged. Over watering can limit root growth and make it difficult for plants to absorb necessary nutrients.

It’s best to wait until the ground has dried out enough so that when you squeeze a handful of soil, it crumbles instead of forming a ball. To dry out soil quickly, you might consider adding compost to absorb the extra moisture. Aerating the soil is another option that can speed up the drying process. Aerating the soil also helps with root growth and water distribution.

6) Soil Enrichment

The best way to prepare soil for planting is to add organic matter in the form of compost or manure. Apply a 3- to 4-inch layer of compost over your garden bed, then gently incorporate it into the soil using a digging fork or broadfork. By adding compost while the soil is warm, you encourage the activity of microbes and beneficial organisms, which immediately begin breaking down the compost, preparing your garden for spring.

Using LandGate for Planning Farmland

LandGate's free property reports for landowners provide a holistic view of a property's unique attributes (topography, soil types, floodplains, wetlands, etc.) that can be used for analyzing and getting the most from your property. The more that you know about your agricultural land, the better you can prepare your soil for planting:

LandGate's LandApp tool takes this one step further with custom map creation features and data layer filters to help you manage and plan your agricultural land activities. Discover the value of your agricultural land and learn about the history of your land by subscribing for $10 per month:


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