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PPA & LMP pricing analyzer
LMP data
Live, Historical, and Futures
100% US coverage with location
Incentive data
IRA, Fed, States, Local incentives
ITC, PTC analyzer
Energy Community
PPA data (70% coverage)
Direct PPA (Bundled energy + REC)
Qualified Facilities, Avoided Cost PPA
Private PPA
PPA estimate based on nearby Comp, LMP and Incentives

Alternative data & KPIs for stock prediction.
Build fundamental or systematic investment strategies on every public and private Renewables company
>0.9 correlation between historical stock price and renewable energy KPIs:
Electricity Generation
Comprehensive current and forward looking KPIs using:
Active assets
Under construction assets
Permitted and Queued assets
Daily updates
Renewable energy M&A deals
Active renewable energy M&A deals
Largest database of closed M&A deals
Advanced analytics
Accurate economic valuation reports
Sensitivities with pricing, capex, weather catastrophe,...
NAV of solar and wind projects
NAV of companies after mergers and acquisitions
Competitive Advantage with Private and Public Capital Markets
Automated notifications of new deals with customizable target ESG investment criteria

Renewable energy's customizable indices, ESG monitoring & benchmarks
Customizable Indices and Benchmarks
Performance Indicators
Model and compare renewable investment opportunities
Weather Catastrophe Risking
Historical & Forecasted prices
Historical and forecasted market trends
Load, Available Capacity (MW)
Capacity (MWac)
Electricity generation (MWh)
Cash flows ($) and NAV ($)
Land lease value estimate